Qakbot Malware Applies New Distribution Methods

Qakbot malware exploits new spreading ways following recent changes in macros execution policies

Today there is an arms race between cybercriminals and antimalware manufacturers. While some release a fix for an existing threat, others must develop new loopholes. Recently, cybersecurity experts noticed that many malware families were using OneNote attachments to infect their victims. Since OneNote is considered a robust application that Microsoft has developed for easy note-taking,… Continue reading Qakbot Malware Applies New Distribution Methods

Trojan Qbot Took Advantage of the Famous Follina Vulnerability

The researchers warned that the Qbot malware is already exploiting an unpatched zero-day vulnerability in Windows MSDT called Follina. Let me remind you that the discovery of Follina became known at the end of May, although the first researchers discovered the bug back in April 2022, but then Microsoft refused to acknowledge the problem. The… Continue reading Trojan Qbot Took Advantage of the Famous Follina Vulnerability

Emotet now installs Cobalt Strike beacons

The researchers warn that Emotet now directly installs Cobalt Strike beacons on infected systems, providing immediate access to the network for attackers. Those can use it for lateral movement, which will greatly facilitate extortion attacks. Let me remind you that usually Emotet installs TrickBot or Qbot malware on the victim’s machines, and that one already… Continue reading Emotet now installs Cobalt Strike beacons